8 Shocking Adult Acne Myths Debunked

8 Shocking Adult Acne Myths Debunked

That Ugly Pimple

acne foreheadWhile acne occurs most commonly during teenage years, many adults get that dreaded pimple at some time in their life. It has been estimated that acne affects more than 600 million people globally. Almost 50% of people in their twenties and thirties continue to get pimples. Why does it pop up on the wrong place and at the wrong time? When a skin pore becomes clogged with dead skin or oil, a pimple is formed. What works to prevent acne and what are the best treatments to get rid of that ugly blemish? Let’s disprove many popular myths and reveal what works.

Use Toothpaste To Get Rid Of A Pimple

use toothpaste on acneToothpaste has been touted as a home remedy for the occasional flare up since it can contain baking soda, alcohol, and hydrogen peroxide, which are drying agents. However, toothpaste is meant for your teeth and gums, not your sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin or are allergic to any of the other toothpaste ingredients, especially those found in colored toothpaste, your acne may get worse.

Pop A Pimple And It’s Gone

popping acne pimplePopping a pimple does not make it go away faster. In fact popping may push the bacteria deeper into the skin if you can’t extract the root of the pimple. Picking spots may cause more pimples to appear near the picked areas of your skin. Popping and squeezing those unsightly spots traumatizes the skin and may cause scarring. Try dabbing a little Benzoyl Peroxide to those unsightly spots at night.

Stress And Acne Connection

stress causes acneThe pimple that popped out right before a big exam, the night of your prom, or on your wedding day probably was not an unlucky happenstance. Studies show stress triggers an imbalance of your hormonal system. When you already have acne and you get into a stressful situation, that seems to be when your acne really flares up, according to Lisa A. Garner, a clinical professor of dermatology at the U of T Southwestern Medical Center. Another study showed that acne flare-ups became more severe during school exam times, as compared to less stressful times, such as winter or summer breaks.

Makeup Makes Acne Gets Worse

makeup causes acneSome cosmetic companies still manufacture their products with comedogenic ingredients, which can clog skin pores and make them more susceptible acne breakouts. Look for makeup labeled non-comedogenic and fragrance-free. These products are less likely to clog pores or irritate your skin, thereby reducing bacterial buildup and oil that can may lead to inflammation and acne, according to leading dermatologists. Avoid pressed or caked products since these cosmetics often contain comedogenic ingredients.

Clinicians have found that some makeup ingredients may actually improve acne. Look for powder based mineral foundations since they are great to soak up oil. They typically contain silica. A light and loose dusting is better than a pressed application. Also, don’t apply too much since it may smother and clog your skin pores.

Blackheads Are Dirt

acne blackheads are dirtBlackheads are not dirt, according to dermatologists. They contain an excess amount of sebum, which also contains melanin. Once the melanin is exposed to air, it oxidizes and turns black. This type of acne lesion is distinguished from white head acne, which also contain an excess amount of sebum, but is not exposed to air.

Pimples Are Caused By Not Washing Your Face Enough

washing face too much causes acneOur natural skin oil protects our skin and keeps it supple and nice. Over washing strips your skin of these needed natural oils and your skin becomes dehydrated, according to leading dermatologists. Then your skin reacts by producing too much oil, which clogs pores and create a breading ground for acne.

Stronger Acne Medication Is More Effective

stronger acne products are betterAcne medication that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are some of the best treatments according to Emmy M. Graber, dermatologist and assistant professor at Boston University School of Medicine.

  • Benzoyl peroxide kills acne causing bacteria. Studies have shown products with concentrations over 2.5% higher do not necessarily increase its effectiveness. In fact, the higher concentration products may irritate the skin.
  • Salicylic Acid, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, or Beta Hydroxy Acid removes dead skin cells that can clog pores. It is an exfoliating agent.

This content reflects information gathered from various professionals and organizations that may offer opposing or alternative points of view. It should not be used for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Consult with your healthcare professional about your specific needs.