Breakthrough Diabetes Treatments That Can Be Explored Now

Breakthrough Diabetes Treatments That Can Be Explored Now

Individuals with diabetes now have more options than ever before when it comes to keeping their condition under control. From minimally invasive procedures to simple lifestyle changes, people are learning how easy it is to effectively manage their Type 2 diabetes. Today’s technology allows for many more effective treatment options to be considered.

In the past, there were only a few proven methods patients could confidently use to manage the symptoms they experienced. But now, people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes can find treatment options that work best for their individual diagnosis. Working with their doctor will allow them to try different options to see which one (or two) works best for them.

DMR or Duodenal Mucosal Resurfacing

DMR, or duodenal mucosal resurfacing¹ is a new technique that provides similar results to those offered by bariatric bypass surgery. By ablating the cells under the first layer of mucosal duodenal tissue, the resulting change in the tissues alters how the body utilizes glucose and gives you back some degree of control over your blood sugar levels. Not only does it affect blood glucose levels, it also helps in weight management as well. The procedure is less invasive than traditional bariatric bypass surgery and gives you the option to control your diabetes in a safe and effective manner.

New Oral Medications

New oral medications are being developed every year that work to halt the progression of diabetes and keep your symptoms under control. Many oral medications are able to help you maintain your diabetes for several years as long as you continue to follow dietary recommendations, exercise regularly, and live a healthy lifestyle. Understanding your symptoms and how your body functions are essential. No two individuals are alike in how their body handles disease or responds to specific medications. Take the time to learn about your own health and take the appropriate measures.

Injectable Options

While insulin is the most well-known of the injectables², diabetic patients now have other options to choose from. Amylin Analogue and GLP-1 agonists are both used to minimize the amount of insulin you need. Amylin analogue works for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, while GLP-1 agonists are only for patients with Type 2 diabetes. GLP-1 agonists work primarily by encouraging your body to release the insulin it needs when your blood sugar levels are elevated. When it comes to Type 2 diabetes treatment options, most people would prefer to avoid the injectables.

Changes in Diet and the Use of Supplements

Hunger cravings and an increase in thirst are two common symptoms of diabetes. For many people who have just been diagnosed with diabetes, altering their diet can go to great lengths to reverse many of their diabetic symptoms and bring their blood sugar levels back under control. Adding nutritional supplements³ like chromium and ginseng may also be beneficial. Before including any type of natural supplement, however, consult with your doctor to ensure there are no other contraindications to consider.

Exercise and Other Forms of Physical Activity

Exercise burns calories. It also lowers blood glucose levels. The foods you eat are turned into blood glucose in two ways. Simple sugars are converted rather quickly and provide an almost immediate boost of energy. Complex carbohydrates and proteins take much longer to breakdown and provide sustained levels of energy over longer periods of time. The blood sugar that isn’t used is eventually stored as fat that the body can burn off as needed when other sources of energy are depleted. Exercise and other forms of strenuous physical activity play a vital role in keeping the symptoms of diabetes under control.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes require significant lifestyle changes if you expect to keep them under control. With all of the latest advancements in diabetes treatment options, patients are able to effectively manage their disease in a way that is the best for them. Even individuals with advanced forms of the disease now have multiple diabetes treatment options to choose from, many of which given them a higher quality of life and a longer life expectancy. By working hand in hand with your doctor, you will be able to identify which diabetes treatment options will work best for you and your unique situation.