How to Turn Down a Job Offer Like a Boss

How to Turn Down a Job Offer Like a Boss

Job opportunities are a dime a dozen, and it’s not uncommon for a hiring manager to get in touch with you to see if you’re interested in taking up an offer out of the blue. This could be an internal thing, or an external initiative by an organization that values your skillset and what you can bring to the table. That being said, a lot of people forget about basics such as tact and timing when it comes to accepting or declining these offers. In this post, we’ll highlight some of the ways you can gracefully and politely decline a job offer.

Extend a Word of Thanks

Hiring managers and recruiters work very hard when it comes to finding the right person for a job. For the most part, they do extensive research by checking out your background, professional qualifications, education and even your social media presence before coming to a conclusion on whether you are the right guy or girl for the job.

At the very least, you should extend a word of thanks and recognize their effort. This not only shows a considerate personality, it also paints you in a good light going forward. Leaving this kind of positive impression may have them calling back weeks or months later with a better suited offer or a recommendation to another company.

Explain Why You Can’t Take Up the Offer

Everyone has different things that motivate them when it comes to their ideal job. Here are a few:

  • Money
  • Location
  • Time
  • Perks
  • Skillset and work requirements

These motivators should be what you highlight when you’re rejecting a prospective job offer. Make sure to carefully word your response and avoid being vague since this will leave the hiring manager confused. While it’s a good idea to be honest, refrain from talking about anything that paints anyone in a bad light. Be brief, clear and succinct; people will respect you more if you do this.

Stay in Touch

A job seeker’s work is never done. At the end of the day, it’s all about creating relationships because you never know if you’ll need or meet that person again in the future. Consider asking them if you can recommend someone to take over the job, or ask them to pass your name and details around to anyone who may need your skillset later on. Ask to add them on formal social media sites such a LinkedIn, and ask for and hand them your and their business card.

Ultimately, your tact, appreciation and openness will leave an indelible mark on your would-be employer, giving you a good reputation which might just open you up to future opportunities later on in your professional career. Lastly, consider all offers that come your way without rejecting one for the other since you may discover something during the interview and recruitment process that just might change your mind, landing you the job of your dreams, one that you would have overlooked had you not been flexible. Here’s to your success!