Groundbreaking Psoriasis Treatments Have Arrived - A Diagnosis Is No Longer The End Of The World

Groundbreaking Psoriasis Treatments Have Arrived - A Diagnosis Is No Longer The End Of The World

Groundbreaking treatment options are now being used to keep psoriasis under control and effectively manage its symptoms. Psoriasis is different in each individual. What works for you may not work for others. For many people, it can take months of trial and error before finding the right combination of treatment options for both scalp psoriasis and plaque psoriasis.

Best Treatment for Psoriasis
](#)Psoriasis is most often characterized by reddened patches of skin covered by whitish scales that flake away as the skin dries out. It is a chronic, auto-immune disorder¹ that affects the surface layers of the skin. Psoriasis causes the body to produce skin cells too quickly. The cells do not have enough time to live out their month-long cycle before more cells appear to take their place. This thick build-up of cells causes itching, redness, and the dry-scaling appearance.

Light Therapy

UVA and UVB lights have been successfully used to control overactive white cells that damage healthier skin cells. While sunlight is the best form of light therapy, using UVA and UVB sources² will provide similar effects. Using this type of treatment on a regular basis will minimize your symptoms, especially if your condition is mild to moderate. Your doctor can work with you to set up a schedule that will control rapid cell growth and keep your skin looking and feeling as healthy as possible. Everyone responds differently to light therapy. Using both natural and manufactured forms of lighting is one of the most effective ways to get the best possible results.


Over the years, many medications have been formulated that also provide relief from the symptoms of psoriasis. Retinoids, biologics, and medications like cyclosporin and methotrexate are systemic medications that work throughout the body. While these medications are effective, they may have unpleasant side effects. They are not ideal for long-term use but can be very beneficial if used for short periods of time. When psoriasis flares up, it’s important to be able to get it under control as quickly as possible. System medications are the best way to accomplish this. Once you get the condition back to a manageable state, topical treatment options can then be used to minimize the inflammation and discomfort.

Topical Treatment Options

Topical treatment options³ are applied directly to the affected areas and provide almost immediate relief from the itching and discomfort caused by psoriasis. Topical corticosteroids and retinoids are beneficial in relieving the itching and inflammation associated with psoriasis. Moisturizers that contain salicylic acid and Vitamin D also work well and keeps the skin from drying out and flaking uncontrollably. Because psoriasis can appear almost anywhere on the body, the use of topical treatments is a great way to keep symptoms under control and easy to manage. Topical treatments have fewer side effects and can often be applied as needed, unless they are a prescription that requires specific instructions. Your doctor will be able to help you in choosing the right ones.

Lifestyle Changes

The biggest factors that affect psoriasis and how it works in the body have to do with your lifestyle and environment. Stress is a huge factor in the severity of psoriasis outbreaks. When your body is under stress, you may not get enough sleep and your diet tends to suffer. The key is making simple lifestyle changes that will allow your body to function in a healthy manner. Do your best to minimize your stress and be more mindful of your sleep patterns. Include fresh foods that support your skin and connective tissues. Keep a journal to identify when your psoriasis is most active and what lifestyle habits or traits are present at that time. Make a few adjustments to see if you can bring your condition under control without the use of harsh medications.

Patients who have a severe form of the condition will benefit most from using several treatment options. Learning how to effectively manage stress and living a healthier lifestyle is most beneficial. Include foods rich in Vitamin A and D that support healthy skin and will give your body what it needs to function as efficiently as possible. Psoriasis does not have to control your life. With proper treatment and a few healthy lifestyle changes, you can manage your symptoms and have a higher quality of life. Talk to your doctor about the new treatment options that are being made available to people with psoriasis. You may be surprised at how easy it is to take your life back!